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Our Charity Walks

Under the guidance and major resolve of our beloved Babaji, many people have had the opportunity to walk and help raise thousands of pounds for great charitable endeavours.

OSST's 7th Charity Walk (Dec 2022)

Our longest collective charity walk to date

Spanning approximately nine miles (from the Sharavana Baba Multi-Faith Community Centre to Thiruvalluvar's Statue in SOAS, University of London), this is our longest collective walk to date. It is also our first walk into Central London. 

£12,000 was raised and donated to SOAS, University of London during our Tamil Heritage Month celebrations (15-01-2022). The funds raised will be used for the development of higher Tamil studies in the United Kingdom. 

Homes for the Homeless (Jan 2021)

Bhavana Dhaana Seva

In January 2021, our beloved Babaji walked from the Sharavana Baba Community Centre to Sri Kanaga Thurkkai Amman Temple in Ealing to raise funds to provide homes for underprivileged homeless families in Sri Lanka.

As people across the globe came together to support this great cause, over £125,000 was raised, making this our single most successful charity walk to date. 

Our first house was built and handed over in Mullaitivu to mark Babaji's Jayanthi. A further four houses were built and handed over in Vavuniya on the 27th December 2022, a day before the auspicious Thiruvempaavai.

Helping those in need during the COVID-19 pandemic

Since 2020, the Om Saravanabhava Seva Trust has provided support to people employed in lines of work severely affected by the  COVID-19 pandemic. 

We have engaged in several fundraising drives, raising more than £200,000. Our sixth charity walk, which was successfully conducted in July 2021, along the Dollis Valley Green Walk, raised £54,000 alone. 

Auto drivers, labourers, cleaners, hospital workers and those working on day-to-day wages were some who benefitted from this major resolve.

Walk for the NHS (July 2020)

On the 28th of June 2020, our beloved Babaji walked from our Preston Road Ashram to the Sharavana Baba Multi-Faith Community Centre in Barnet, raising £10,000.


The funds were handed over to the Royal Free Charity during the auspicious Guru Poornima (05-07-2020), which also coincided with the 72nd birthday of the National Health Service.

The funds went to support children receiving cancer treatment at Barnet Hospital.

Walks for the Blind (2015, 2016 and 2017)

From 2015 to 2017, the Om Saravanabhava Seva Trust successfully conducted three charity walks, raising funds to support underprivileged and severely visually impaired individuals in Sri Lanka. 

Our first walk was conducted in the beautiful Hainault Forest Country Park with the Mayor of Redbridge, Cllr Thavuthuray Jeyaranjan and MP for Ilford North, Wes Streeting also taking part. 

Our largest and third walk was conducted in Richmond Park with the presence of local holders of public office.

Navagraha Sri Kathirgaama Yogi Yogishwara Yoga Dhandayuthapaani Swami Temple

Sharavana Baba Multi-Faith

Community Centre

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Every day 

07:00 to 13:00

17:00 to 21:00 (Last entry 8:30pm)

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'Sharavana Baba' is a trademark of the Om Saravanabhava Seva Trust. 

the Om Saravanabhava Seva Trust is a registered charity in England and Wales (1142610) and

A company limited by guarantee, Registered company in England and Wales (07629043)

Registered Address: 123 Summers Lane, Barnet, London, N12 0QE

designed and maintained by volunteers of the Om Saravanabhava Seva Trust

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